Joy By Joc
Riverside Massage

About Jocelynn

Howdy! My name is Jocelynn Neumayer, I am licensed Massage Therapist, and I am originally from the midwest, but am traveling and adventuring about the United States currently! 

I help the body heal itself! We’ve been convinced that we need to rely on resources outside ourselves (medication, surgery) as our first-option to deal with recovery from injuries, pain, and trauma, but through bodywork, I can help you get to the root of the problem. I assist in the healing process to promote healthy body function in hopes of creating peace in your physical, mental, and spiritual life, mainly using neuromuscular therapy, where we get rid of that strain in your neck, and craniosacral therapy, which helps balance the brain and nervous system.

I am willing to perform / am gaining more training on the following:

Relaxation / circulatory based massage

Manual lymphatic drainage 

Thai massage

Hot Stones 

And more

I care about people and the earth with the dearest parts of my heart. When I am not doing massage, I am a white water rafting guide on multiple rivers in the United States. I play guitar and sing, hike, mountain bike, enjoy live music or a coffee shop, read, and quality time with friends and family, new or old. I travel in my van and am always looking to grow, challenge myself, and create peace. 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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